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Hold good for in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2024-08-06Updated:2024-08-06
Similar words: good forgood formbe good forgood for yougood fortunegood for nothinggood-for-nothingwild goose
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1 Though intended primarily for adults, the advice held good for young refugees.
2 What held good for Stoke Poges held good for the Western Isles.
3 The principle doesn't hold good for all cases.
4 Your offer will hold good for a week, right?
5 Even today those principles hold good for Christian employees.
6 The demand of the new machines will hold good for a while.
7 Whether these findings will hold good for other types of request is unknown.
8 This may well hold good for any limited series of related hydrocarbons.
9 The warranty does not hold good for any damage to the machine caused by accident or improper use.
10 Then there is the practice hypothesis, that individuals are honing their skills for mating,( which seems to hold good for male fruit flies at least.
11 Tested many times, the new method of cultivation seems to hold good for our area.
More similar words: good forgood formbe good forgood for yougood fortunegood for nothinggood-for-nothingwild goosewild-goose chasea wild-goose chasesherwood foresta good fewfood for thoughtgood faithgood fridayhard goodsin good faithbaked goodscanned goodswell and goodbranded goodsbonded goodstinned goodsfinished goodsdamaged goodsgood-fellowshippackaged goodsimported goodsproduced goodsreturned goods
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